Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chap Mei boat.

Here's another great find from my random toy rounds.

A Chap Mei boat.

bought this from a shop in manila. i didn't think twice after seeing this there. since i had a great idea for this vehicle..

and i was right. 3.75 inch toys fit well with this boat. (GI JOEs specially).

it has a broken antenna but I'm pretty sure its easy to fix. though the paint sucks.

 i probably would repaint this to make it look more like an army colored ship. it's also missing some parts which that i don't know for I'm not familiar with this line.

The color scheme is a little imbalance. and somehow unrealistic.

i needed to detach all the parts first. luckily it was easy to do this since most parts are screwed and snap on only. no glued parts.

now as I've said i tried to repaint this boat, and given almost 3 days and limited paint and brush resources i made this!

Due to limited paint colors, i just had to made do with what i got. coma-green (spray paint) for the cockpit., light-green (spray paint) for the base boat, black (spray paint) for the boat floor, and some random paints for the details, (sorry for the amateur paints, i only used acrylic for this one). 

The cockpit.

i also managed to fix the antenna decently

the bags on the sides came from other unknown toy lines. i just thought it would fit well in this boat, and it surprisingly did!

i 'm not confident with the silver colored-shade i had and applied, the paint looks sticky (probably the brush i used is hard). i just applied a black wash to lessen the sticky-paint-effect, and somehow manage to look oily and rusty as per any army ship.

though at least now it fits perfectly with army figures, specially with my exclusive range vipers.

The Before:

And After:

my own version of an Army tow boat! from a crappy to less crappy paint. hope you like the paint scheme :)

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